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Strategic Plan

Rotary’s strategic plan provides the framework for our future, ensuring that we continue to be known as a respected, dynamic organization that advances communities worldwide.

The strategic plan evolves with the aspirations of Rotarians. It is shaped by regular input from members through surveys, focus groups, committees, and meetings, so it can continue to help us achieve our goals.

Our Strategic Priorities and Goals

Rotary’s strategic plan identifies three strategic priorities supported by 16 goals. They represent what Rotarians have asked to be done to ensure a strong and vibrant Rotary going into the future.

Support and Strenghten Clubs

• Foster club innovation and flexibility

• Encourage clubs to participate in a variety of service activities

• Promote membership diversity

• Improve member recruitment and retention

• Develop leaders

• Start new, dynamic clubs

• Encourage strategic planning at club and district levels

Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service

• Eradicate polio

• Increase sustainable service focused on programs and activities that support youth and young leaders and Rotary’s six areas of focus

• Increase collaboration with other organizations

• Create significant projects both locally and internationally

Enhance Public Image and Awareness

• Unify image and brand awareness

• Publicize action-oriented service

• Promote core values

• Emphasize vocational service

• Encourage clubs to promote their networking opportunities and signature activities